1st Vice President

Rockey Adams


CPT. Rockey Adams is the Emergency Management Coordinator for Berrien County, Michigan. CPT Adams has served with the Berrien County Sheriff’s Office since 2000. He taken on many challenges during his many assignments and roles, which include: Marine Patrol, Jail Security, Road Patrol-Law Enforcement, Detective, a Road Patrol Supervisor, and finally an Emergency Management and Homeland Security Coordinator.
CPT. Adams has also taken on secondary roles during his career; to include; Hazardous Materials Technician (Team Commander), Bomb Technician (Assistant Team Commander), and Evidence Collection Technician/Crime Scene Investigator (Team Commander).

CPT Adams now serves as the Emergency Management / Homeland Security Coordinator. He has been in this role since 2014. He is recognized by the State of Michigan as a Professional Emergency Manager. His team consists of two Sergeants, 7 School Resource Officers, a Senior Accountant /Public Assistance Officer, two Training and Exercise Officers, and an Emergency Management Specialist (EOC/Manager).

Together, they are known for their relentless pursuit of high quality Emergency Management for their community. They achieve success through their continuous improvement programs and values. They have reoriented many critical organizations’ security strategies through their behavioral threat assessment programs, active assailant education programs, and intensive vulnerability assessment programs. They continue to be leaders within the Radiological Emergency Preparedness programs for nuclear power plant emergency response and security. Their attention to these programs translate into a high functioning Emergency Management program to meet the needs of the Berrien County communities.

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