Jessica Harbitz
Jessica Harbitz as a wife, sister, and an emergency planning specialist. She and her husband enjoy spending time with their local and out of state family and traveling to experience the beauty of this great nation. Jessica has two sisters, one works for the National Park Service, and the other for a NGO in Eaton County.
Jessica works as the Emergency Planning Specialist at the Lansing Board of Water and Light (BWL) in Lansing Michigan. She has worked at the BWL for over 15 years. BWL provides the utility services of electricity, drinking water, chilled water, and steam heat to the City of Lansing and surrounding jurisdictions with approximately 160,000 service connections. As an emergency manager for a public utility she merges emergency management and business continuity concepts and principles with electric and drinking water critical infrastructure processes and services.
Jessica currently holds the following accreditations: State of Mi P.E.M., Infrastructure Disaster Management, Dale Carnegie’s Human Relations, BWL‘s Emerging Leader, and a BS in Geology.